School-Use Seismographs Assembly by using 3D Printed Parts                 by Yoshio Okamoto  2022-08-20

Information about my micro-barometer (JSESE 2022) is as follows,

This page is the support page of our conference presentation this year (GeoSciEdiX 2022) as the following.

Yoshio Okamoto, Yuichi Naoki, Haruka Nishiguchi and Yutaka Maruo (2022): School-Use Seismographs Employing 3D-Printed Parts -Subsequent Developments and Practical Issues-, GeoSciEdIX, e-Poster
Yoshio Okamoto(2022): School Seismographs Made with 3D Printed Part, JpGU2022, e-Poster

0. Basic Concept
 School and home use 
 Cheap costs
 Digital recording with Arduino Uno and PC
 Ground displacement proportional record
 Same performance equivalent with the 59-Type JMA seismographs; 5 [sec] free period pendulums, 100x displacement of ground motion  
 Easy assembling: Not use special tools except coil winding and pendulum mass lathing
 Daily materials purchased from DIY centers and Net shops

Now, the pages are under construction, so i will show you only photos, during the conference, the captions will be added.

1. Body & Pendulum
    Horizontal component
    Vertical component

2. Magnetic circuit

3. Amplifier

4. Softwares

5. Digital devices


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